Easter, our dear friend, thank you

Child on Christmas morning
Easter is unwrapping the gift of Christmas (a savior’s birth)



You free us with your forgiveness.

You inspire us with your compassion.

You slay our hate with your love.

May everything we do point only to you.

Giving you all honor and glory.


Thank you Jesus.

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Suffering does not make us strong unless we give it permission

Sanibel Summer Sunset from Mitchell's Sand Castles


(photo: The first sunset of the annual Summer beach trip to Sanibel Island – our life will have a sunset too… will it be peaceful?)

Suffering does not make us weak unless we give it permission.

Suffering does not make us strong unless we give it permission.

Permission is only granted by one person.

One person only.

We know this.

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Easy way to feel amazing grateful and overwhelmingly blessed?

Mid Life Celebration book reviews
Can too much of a good thing leave us feeling insecure?


Feeling in advance the feeling that we want to feel is one of the most generous and underused blessings ever.

Want to feel amazing grateful and overwhelmingly blessed?

Just do it.

Once we start remembering to feel this way, we start feeling this way all the time, without having to remember.

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