Happy places

Disney Customer Service Speaker Jeff Noel
Public observation deck.
Notice. Experiment. Enjoy. Occasionally share.

Who regularly walks 10 miles to visit Walt Disney World, on a weekday?

Who can find peace and contentment without honoring the temple (our body) housing everything keeping us alive?

The obvious answer to both, “No one.”

There’s always an exception, except in math.

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Survival of the fittest

The other day while biking.
One parent is missing a foot.

Survival of the fittest.

In nature, it’s as real as it gets.

No truer truth.

In first-world human civilization, we forget.

If you aren’t focused on the basics as an animal, you get eaten.

If you aren’t focused as a human with the basics of mind, body, spirit, work, and home, you get eaten as well.

A different kind of eaten, but essentially dead, as you are going through the motions.

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Best planning time

speech notes
Speech notes for 3-hour session. Planned the activities. Everything else is already locked and loaded in my head and heart.

Best time to plan for what’s next is when you don’t need to.

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Unmoved by rules

Not a Disney character, yet as important as, or more important than, Mickey Mouse to some people.

Unmoved by rules.

Religion has rules and mandates.

The Universe just is, without rules, covenants, tradition.

While you can’t control that the “law” of gravity will plummet you to your death from a steep cliff, you can avoid the steep cliff to begin with.

Discern dogma and think of a bigger Universe than the walls, halls and “laws” of a religion.

Love, Hope, Faith, Forgiveness, Surrender, Generosity, Kindness, Patience, Joy, Peace…these are the Toy Stories, Cars, Bug’s Life, Moana, Up, and Coco’s of the Universe.

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Judge like you mean it

Glacier National Park fall foliage
The best fall foliage in 50 years. Full of Grizzly Bears too.

i think the human nature of judging people comes from our survival instinct to evaluate predators and prey.



We have had to learn, and hone, the ability to quickly and accurately evaluate danger and opportunity.


Two extremes at opposite ends of a survival spectrum.

We get eaten or we starve.

So when i “judge” a person or situation, it’s in our Neanderthal DNA.

i must judge a room when i speak, or a salesperson when i open our front door.

Judging is a survival technique.

But when it’s done with ill will or unadmirable intent, the question becomes, “Why would you do that?”

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