Praying some day videos like this will not be funny

Praying some day videos like this will not be seen as a funny.



The world is breaking down barriers. It just seems to take forever.

Patience is strength.

Diversity is strength.

Diversity is a core American value.

This is especially important if we do not fit into one of the big, traditional stereotypes.

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Is it ok to ask for boldness to dare to do something never before attempted in the classroom?

Small inspirational book with Teddy Bear
The art of learning is a willingness to fail.


Dear Heavenly Father, today is it ok to ask for boldness to dare to do something never before attempted in the classroom?

What if we shared that there are only two goals today?

  1. To get the audience to think differently
  2. And to have the thinking be so remarkable they cannot wait to get started

Is that too much to ask? Even if it makes them uncomfortable?

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