
Yes, indecision. Still. And it’s only been two hours since Catechism and I’m still torn. Miss Jenny said, “Follow your heart.”

“My heart says stay. My logic says quit”, I reply without hesitating.

Our class was smaller and more intimate, and Miss Jenny and I both thought sitting on the floor (for the first time ever), would be a good state change.

If you’ve never tried to capture and maintain a group of children’s attention between 6:30pm and 7:45pm, then you have not experienced one of life’s great challenges. Whew, it’s one tough teaching assignment.

But tonight (actually last night) was glorious (not perfect), and if they were all like this, it’d be easier. But they won’t be and it isn’t.

Advent 2009

Advent begins today. Click here if you’d like a refresher on Advent.

Advent, preparing for the coming of the Christ Child.

Is there anything more exciting, more joyful, than the anticipation of the coming of a savior?

Seriously. Anything?

I think not. At least not in my tiny brain.

This year, a promise was made to be more prepared than ever before. To:

  • Be fully present
  • Be fully alive
  • Be fully joyful
  • Be fully hopeful
  • Be eternally grateful
  • Be “bow-down-on-my knees” humble

But that’s just me. What and or how are you preparing?

jeff noel Enjoying Christmas Music

Have been thinking about Christmas. A lot.

Started to listen to Christmas music today. Completely ready for it.

Historically, Christmas comes and goes with amazing speed. Wouldn’t it be great to have a Christmas where we saw it coming and savored it in a way that will become memorable for the rest of our life?

How many men out there are shopping on Christmas eve? How is it possible for time to pass and all of a sudden, “Oh crap wait, I better get some Christmas gifts.”?

In transforming old habits, a new way of thinking will need to be applied. It may be as simple as a passion to change, and enjoying some Christmas music.