Can you imagine being hated by many people?

rainbow bench in backyard
Love the courage. Photo from trip to Allentown, PA.


Can you imagine being hated by many people?

And in some countries, your sexual preference would qualify you for the death penalty.





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Legally hated

Granite Park Chalet
Context. Granite Park Chalet in Glacier National Park.


Granite Park Chalet
Room with a view.


Legally hated.

Caught a glimpse of a passing car’s windshield and it looked like the large decal said, “Legally Hated”.

It happened so fast i can’t verify that’s what it said.

No matter, the concept struck me as truth.


i envision a gay or lesbian person making a profound statement.

If a store owner can legally turn away customers because of their sexual orientation, it’s like saying…

“We don’t like you enough to serve you. We’ll serve everyone else, but not your kind. Please leave at once.”



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Hate, shame, judgment, ridicule, exclusion, stereotyping

Glacier National Park creek bed
Random pic from 2016…a creek bed.


Hate, shame, judgment, ridicule, exclusion, stereotyping.

When i think of these, i ask myself, “Do i carry any of them, even in small quantities, with me in daily life?”

If any of these describe, even remotely, my thoughts on any given day, there’s a good chance i’m not embracing Love as it is meant to be.

Love has no conditions.

That’s an almost impossible concept to comprehend.

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Can we rid our world of hate?

no hate
Yesterday, on LinkedIn of all places, a visionary message – no hate in our world. Please.


i’d go a step further and say, if our thoughts have any hate or malice in them, there is room for us to grow.

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Standing-Ovation for courage

Incredible inside insight into a belief system that practices hate, yet professes love.



Dear Son, thank you for watching this with me last night.

Key message:

God does not hate.

Second message:

Let she who hasn’t sinned cast the first stone.

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