Pot is legal here

Apple Store window dressing


(photo: So weird to have randomly snapped this ‘enlightened’ photo a few days ago)

Not gonna lie. The thought of buying pot in Colorado has popped into the cranium.


Why not.

It’s legal.

Yeah, legal.

As in totally acceptable.

PS. Not to smoke. Just to experience the sea change in society.

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World class forgiveness is the only way to free ourselves

Flower Garden in Allentown, PA


(photo: 30 years ago, a wedding party took some wonderful photos here – revisited the place because it was only a jog away from Cedarbrook Nursing home)

Is it possible that when we are angry and unwilling to forgive someone could it really be possible that we are actually angry with ourselves?

If we are unwilling to forgive ourselves, we will never be able to forgive others.

We unknowingly channel our discontent with ourselves into our outward behaviors to others.

Wish it wasn’t true.

The only antidote is to accept this, admit it, spend serious time (possibly years) rethinking, reprioritizing, and then recommitting to forgiving ourselves.

World class forgiveness is the only way to free ourselves. For good.

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So full of belief and assurance… when does the devil begin his attack?

First Holy Communion
So full of belief and assurance… when does the devil begin his attack?


A friend said she has another book idea. The conversation lasted 30 minutes. The one memorable item was when she mentioned she doesn’t know what it feels like to be homeless.

The immediate thought was that society defines homeless as someone without a roof over their head.

What about the spiritually homeless?

What’s missing isn’t a physical roof, what’s missing is a loving roof over their head.

Sure they have shelter, but they desperately yearn for reassurance and hope.

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What’s the ulterior motive for givers?

Faith, Hope, Love window glass art
It’s so simple yet so elusive that even the smallest indiscretion can ruin a reputation


What’s the ulterior motive for givers?

What’s the ulterior motive for anyone?

Odds are much greater the giver’s motives are good and decent.

Odds much lower the taker’s motives are good and decent.

Why then would anyone question the giver?

Because history has revealed some really selfish givers. No?

One bad apple spoils the whole bunch?

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