Big shoes to fill

Big shoes to fill.


My office bookshelf is filled with Walt Disney inspiration. There are a few Steve Jobs, Glacier National Park, and Seth Godin items too.

And then there’s little old me.

An insignificant army of one.

What will we do with our remaining time on Earth?

Big shoes need to be filled by somebody.

Why not you?

Especially if you can have fun doing it and if it doesn’t feel like work.

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My next is getting inspiringly clearer

Jeffrey Gitomer’s email message arrived yesterday. To which i have been espousing this personal mantra since 10th grade (1975), “Repetition is the mother of all learning.”

My next is getting inspiringly clearer.

Do you have a “next”?

What is your next?

Congrats on having an immediate answer. That’s a powerful self-signal.

My next is a three-year goal from June 8, 2019 to June 8, 2022. This means i’m five months into it already.

It is a reprise of the audacious and inspiring 10-year goal from June 2009 – June 2019.

What is inspiringly noteworthy is the fact that i’ve already made peace with life from that decade-long goal to do everything in life i wanted to if i lived only to my 60th birthday.

No male on my dad’s side lived past 60. i am the first.

This “next” is sharper, more poignant, and 70% shorter, making the urgency heightened.

A deadline (urgency, if you will) is a remarkable decision-making tool.

There’s no time to put things off.

Saying no, saying maybe, or saying later is no longer acceptable.

This inspires the heck out of me.

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Hidden message was unintentionally created

Awoke at 3:30 AM with a Keynote Speaking business idea. Stayed up after writing it down. Too excited to go back to sleep.

At 4:00 AM i emailed an executive client with the following message, along with the photo in this post…

Did you catch the hidden msg?

Clarity of purpose ranks (ties) with being born, and becoming a dad.

The integrity of this profound belief is innocently illustrated in a random text.

Vision/purpose is THE most important of 19 blueprints.

How you amplify this as CEO is how well it will be heard (and received) in the far corners of your organization’s culture.

Be amazed and be amazing. There is no try, only do.

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What is your purpose?

Son (center) and cousin (right) helped work on my business in 2019. Valuable lessons learned as a first-timer doing it this way in Glacier.

Without purpose we are a ship without a rudder.

However, having a purpose is not enough.


Yes, that’s right, it is not enough.

You need a deadline.

This is why i called our Son last night.

What if today never arrived for me?

No one knows their final day yet we all know that regret is born from waiting and doing nothing.

Action and freedom travel together.

Having a purpose, but not being motivated and driven by a deadline is dangerous. It’s exactly what the devil (regret) wants us to do – wait and do nothing.

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You need great leadership

You need great leadership to guide your life.

We all do.

Without a purpose and direction, think about and try to speculate what that person’s daily motivation is.

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