The spirit of Apple

iPhone packaging
Replacement iPhone for the one i cracked last week.

Trust is insidiously earned over time. It is eroded the same way, potentially.


i love Apple.

i do not love policy inflexibility.

i do not love the good or very good employee who doesn’t share the commitment to customer loyalty that an excellent employee demonstrates.

Note: i like a good or very good employee but i do not love their lower level commitment.

The new phone replacement will never complete a full restoration from this afternoon’s iCloud backup in 15 hours – the time between receiving the new phone today and tomorrow morning’s departure for airport.

So i’m going to wait until i return home (4 days from today). Therefore, another three days are subtracted from the 10 days you get to return the damaged phone without getting charged. Subtract another five days for the phone to get to me.

Eight days.

Arriving home after hours on day eight means the ninth day is the earliest to ship back damaged iPhone.

Asked Apple Care (Cecilia) for a return deadline extension. She tried hard for 40 minutes but no one would budge on policy.

Gonna stop this riff here. Told her i’m ok being charged and then credited once Apple receives the damaged phone. But then she left me with doubt that the credit would be automatic and easy. Everything went South from there.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.