Praise the King of Kings

Florida wildflowers and berries
The King of Kings and the Creator of all things


Praise the King of Kings for the simple little everyday things and for the monumental once-in-a-lifetime things.

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Why do prayers seem to take so long to be answered?

Holy Family Catholic old Church
We learn from elders, we pass that along to our youth


Why do prayers seem to take so long to be answered?

And another question we humans might never consider.

Who are we as mere humans to even remotely begin to put (what we think are acceptable) time frames on how long it should take for our prayers to be answered?

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Nature is the most amazing classroom ever invented

Two adult and two juvenile Florida Sand Hill cranes in homeowner's yard
God’s creatures can help us understand the reality of real life


Nature is the most amazing classroom ever invented.

With each day that all four are present, we are reminded that this little family has survived another day as a unit.

There are many creatures who view young animals as an easy meal.

Younger creatures, including humans, are not fully aware of all the constant dangers.

Many of which remain unseen until it is too late.

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