How do we remain so calm during turbulent times?

Big central florida spider
Knowing which spiders are poisonous is key to staying calm


How do we remain so calm during turbulent times?

A question that makes sense when we are younger and inexperienced.

But now, in midlife?

The answer, and the source, have been given plenty of time to illuminate. And a question we now no longer need to wonder about – because the answer is obvious.

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Would an ultra pure heart find fault in an awful situation?

random, photo of two red buildings and a fence gate
This photo and what happened between Trayvon and George is challenging to explain


Trayvon Martin’s Mom and Dad lost their Son. Under any circumstance, losing a child is tragic. Period.

As a father, I grieve. Children should bury their parents, not the other way around.

May God’s Grace, Mercy, and Never Ending Love provide a blanket of peace and comfort for every parent (Aunt, Uncle, etc) who buries a child.

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