The goal of death is to welcome it and see it as a blessing

Steve Jobs quote on living and dying
The goal of death is to welcome it and see it as a blessing


It’s the great equalizer, isn’t it? Death. No amount of experience, wealth, status changes this. Ever.

The goal of death is to welcome it and see it as a blessing.

It’s one of the top three most magnificent days of our life.

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Back to the future and forward to the past

Stations of the cross
Christ crucified for the salvation of all humankind?


Windows open. Dawn is barely visible. Birds chirping up a storm. Spring is two days away and they know it. Spring fever.

Easter is 13 days away.


Fever for the passion – of the Christ!

This post goes public in 100 days (which is now if you’re reading this).

Remember back 100 days ago how we felt with Spring in the air?

And with Spring in the air, we’re any of us thinking about Independence day?

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