All praise and honor are Yours

We are not worshiping the gold medal…

Olympic Gymnastics gold

We are worshipping the One who gave us the gift of life… and the opportunity to try…

Masters Track declarations

All praise and honor are Yours. The Olympics will be a distant memory for most of us by now. Gabby, our Gold medal all-around gymnast gave public praise to God for her achievements. Remember?

Truly, running is such a gift and blessing. At 9:12am this morning, I will run for everyone who’s ever struggled to get and stay healthy.

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Dear Son, the number one best policy for life

A photo like this is way harder than it looks. And a gamble at best… spread your wings and fly with courage and tenacity…

Florida Osprey

Dear Son, the number one best policy for life? You just practiced it on the back porch in Olympic Gold medal fashion. So proud of who you are becoming.

Remember, you will NEVER get in trouble with me for telling the truth. That’s my promise to you.

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Happy birthday to a most magical, spiritual place

Authenticity, and transparency, is the new currency…


Happy birthday to a most magical, spiritual place. All the opinions, stories, beliefs, and what not shared at Mid Life Celebration, LLC are my own and are in no way professionally related to my 29 years of service at Walt Disney World.

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Insight: Social media is still an uncertain, and grey area.