Many thought she was a bad mother

parental decisions
this is a controlled, supervised situation (a tsunami is the exact opposite)

Many thought she was a bad mother. How could you let go of your four-year old who was certain to drown? It’s a classic case of sacrifice one to save another.

The mother had to decide in an instant. And then pray for the miracle of all miracles. Why this story made it’s way to the USA is because the child was found. Alive. An American.

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Why did she let go knowing the child would drown?

life and death decisions
trying to save both would mean death for all three

Why did she let go knowing one child (4) would drown? She prayed for a miracle as she let her precious child go. She needed one arm to swim, the other held her other child, an infant.

If she held them both, all three would have drowned. Releasing the infant was guaranteed death. The four-year old was the only option…

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Who would you die for?

be prepared
talk the time, and solitude, to ponder this in advance of any test

Who would you die for? Years back there was a story of a mother with two young children in her arms as a tsunami caused sudden, catastrophic flooding. She let go of the oldest child (maybe 4), who was swept away to die. She held tight to the other child, an infant…

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