The main thing we are to do with the breath of life?

florida wellness
when we understand why we are here, our life takes on new meaning

The main thing we are to do with the breath of life? Shortly after Easter, our Pastor described Jesus’ return to the disciples and how He breathed on them. The breath of life.

This is our job as disciples, to continue breathing life onto others. The whole point of the Church is receive the breath and pass it on.

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National Day of Prayer

rooftop prayers
you can even pray up on your roof

Brian, through extensive research and personal experience it’s been revealed to me that every day, all day, it’s National prayer day. For real.

Prayer is as simple as a conversation with God, Jesus, and/or the Holy Spirit. In the car at a stoplight. On a walk. Mowing the grass.

Even our good thoughts and well wishes are prayer.

Even the appreciation (thanksgiving) for nature, a helpful neighbor (or stranger), or the gift of another sunrise, like the one coming over the tree tops right now…

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PS. May 3, 2012, a great friend, Brian, sent an email reminder that May 3 is National Prayer Day. This was my email response back.