Is our summer half over?

paris boats
can you see the man from this angle? same man as in yesterday's photo
eiffel tower from river
turning 90 degrees to the left from the above photo yields this view

Is our summer half over? Technically Summer is about three weeks old. Following a typical school calendar, we are half way between June and September. It causes me to pause (thankfully in reflection) and wonder how others are managing their best summer ever.

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Three simple reasons why writing and spirituality are similar

writing and spirituality
I wondered (and still do) if he senses, every moment, where he works

Three simple reasons why writing and spirituality are similar:

  • Writing and spirituality is best when it’s always on
  • Writing helps us see what we are thinking and praying about
  • Writing and spirituality must be practiced and developed to be good at it

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Five reasons why Paris was a spiritual experience

paris rivers
at the foot of the Eiffel Tower is a river

Five reasons why Paris was a spiritual experience:

  • Everything I saw was for the first time in my life
  • There was no hectic rush, and the focus was truly in the moment
  • Everything was unknown to me…everything
  • I saw God everywhere and in everything
  • So much of this day remains indescribable

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Funny how quickly we can become afraid of things we don’t need to worry about

Paris Metro
it was all Greek (French) to me

Funny how quickly we can become afraid of things we don’t need to worry about. But it was almost 5pm and Paris rush hour on the metro (subway) had begun. Neither credit card worked and I had no Euros, only limited American cash. So no matter what method I might find to get back, I had no way to pay for it.

I was also tired and hungry and didn’t speak the language. And for the first time in years, legitimately scared. This was very unfamiliar territory.

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