The Biggest Tragedy With Catholics

The 70-something visiting Priest from Ireland gave one of the best homilies I’ve heard in years. He articulated his accented message clearly, slowly, methodically. I hung onto every word. He asked us what we did last week and what we’ll do this coming week. His message was clear…

Was the second Lector yesterday. We are the Body of Christ.

The biggest tragedy amongst Catholics is too many believe and not enough do.

Timeless Insight: It matters little to walk to do the preaching if not the walking is the preaching.

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Can Opportunity Be Weird?

Sorta excited to see what's inside.
It would be so easy to start judging the owner.
But I refuse to.

Opportunity is weird, making it invisible. What I thought might be a chance for an interesting material discovery, was really an opportunity to learn about myself.

The opportunity to wonder about the lives of the people who lived here. The opportunity to pray for what appears to be squashed dreams.

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How Does One Go About Praying 90-Days Ahead?

Morning dew during a morning run in North Carolina.

Just to clarify, I’m not saying we pray into the future, like for a successful retirement. Not that kind of praying ahead, but praying for a specific petition to be successful 90 days from today (give or take a day or so).

Where does a person start? Is it worth it? Is it crazy? Could it lead to some sort of personal spiritual breakthrough?

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Blogging 90-Days Ahead, But Praying 90-Days Ahead?

Can plants survive without soil? Impossible, right?
They sure look like they're thriving.

Some things are easy, or relatively easy, to do in advance. Blogging 90-days in advance is not easy. But it is very fun and exciting to see how this experiment pays off.

So this morning I couldn’t help but wonder if we can pray 90-days in advance. This thought has never crossed my mind, which makes it unusually interesting. This, of course, leads me wonder if anyone has attempted this and what their outcomes where/are.

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