Amazing Grace Happens

Amazing Grace happens all day, every day, if we only have eyes to see.

From my Houston, Texas hotel room, sipping a cup of Folgers, my sister’s Facebook update shared this 38 second You Tube clip. It’s easy to think being away for a week is a big deal. In the grand scheme, it’s not, and this soldier’s homecoming with his Dog is proof.

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Sunday Night Conversation

Ever have a casual conversation, and almost invisibly, a “truth” is revealed to you? Happens frequently doesn’t it?

Two nights ago while eating dinner and talking on speaker phone, my Mother-In-Law (88) was describing her Sunday. She’s always the last to leave Mass, because my Father-In-Law (85) walks incredibly slow these days, she told the Priest how much she liked his Homily (sermon).

The Priest commented that no one ever tells him if they like his preaching.

I guess we take it for granted.

But why?

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Rainy Day Christian?

The Devil Makes Us Think The Weather's Fine
The Devil Makes Us Think The Weather's Fine

It’s such a cliche: When it rains, it pours.

It’s timeless wisdom: The best time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.

I think it’s clear, we know deep down inside if we’re a rainy day Christian or not.

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October 10, 2010.


Just like only preaching what i practice.

If you’re goal isn’t impossible., you’re not reaching high enough.

There’s a decent chance this post will never be read by anyone but me.


No one is going to drill down into a website some 2,800 posts away from the current date.

2 Things You Should Know

He Made No Excuses
He Made No Excuses

1. You are going to die.

2. You are not that important.

These can be the perfect motivation to pray daily, or, the best excuse not to.

The cool part, we get to live with our choice.

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