Rest On Sunday?

Real Life, In Real Time (September 25, 2010)
Real Life, In Real Time (September 26, 2010)

Resting on Sunday (Sabbath) sure looks good on paper. Saturday night I was thinking about the two speeches I would deliver yesterday (Sunday) morning.

There is a certain anxiety that accompanies a public speaker’s life. Large or small audiences, it doesn’t matter. Everyone is expecting you to be smart, and hopefully, funny.

The first speech, a reading from the book of the prophet Amos, was 90 seconds, delivered to an audience of hundreds.

The second speech, the Homily, was seven minutes, delivered to 60 children from kindergarten to 5th grade. It was in a separate building, a few minutes after the first.

Unlike today’s point at Mid Life Celebration, I didn’t tell our son (10) “why” I worked so hard on a Sunday. Well, not until dinner last night.

Even Jesus had to explain (defend) why he worked (helped others) on Sunday.

You now exactly what it’s like. Most of the work we do to serve others looks easy and natural.

Can we all agree it would have been so much easier to sleep in?

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Be Wise & Innocent

The Wisdom To Survive
The Wisdom To Survive

Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. — Jesus

Dear son, life is hard. You will learn many, many lessons. Some easy, some devastating. It will become your job to pass on the basics to your children, assuming you’ll have some.

Seek wisdom. Seek innocence. And never get bored with the basics.

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Cub Scout Chaplain?


Last night was our first Cub Scout meeting of the new school year. Roughly a 50% increase from last year. Growth has it’s rewards and it’s opportunities.

Months ago, our Pack leader phoned to ask me to be our Pack’s Chaplain.

Me? A Chaplain? Why?

Perhaps all the others said no. Or, maybe I was the first choice.

It doesn’t matter.

God places things before us sometimes that we neither understand how or why.

It’s the same with you. What process do you follow to discern your next step(s)?

You know, my first reaction was to decline the responsibility, thinking I’m not qualified enough, not experienced enough, what if I look foolish.

So last night, at 7:10PM, it hit me.

In the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit….

Leadership is an awesome, and often times sacred, responsibility.

Little Miracles, Little Dovey

Children delight in the simplest of things. Adults do to, when we slow down enough to notice, but we usually don’t. This video is from last June (2009) and I only had a month of experience shooting You Tube videos.

Looking back, it seems sappy (to me) – the way I told the story.

Oh well, better to try and look silly, than not try at all.


Hidden in this 2-minute video is a delightful surprise and a child’s hopeful innocence.

What will this do to my career?

Categorized as Dear Son

I Have A Dream

“I have a dream, that one day our Nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed – We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”

Today in history, 47 years ago.

Why there was ever a time when anyone had to dream such a dream is almost incomprehensible.

What were people thinking when this was not part of everyday life?

Martin Luther King had the right idea. Dream impossible dreams. Great dreams. Dreams that require courageous leadership.