Be your own sunshine

Cinderella mosaic
Not the sunshine.

Be your own sunshine.


Of course the world is tough.

That’s the nature of nature.

In our dwelling space we may think we are not in “the wild”, but we are.

Ours, however, is a civilized wild. A first world wild.

The predators are stress, anxiety, apathy, inactivity, poor nutrition, poor rest, financial overindulgence through credit cards, financial ignorance for not saving early, and on and on.

Be your own sunshine.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

How can you not?

drawing in the sand
This is a finger drawing of Mid Life Celebration’s five big choices: mind, body, spirit, work, home.

How can you not pause each morning for one or two minutes, on your knees, to center your spiritual core?

Thank God you recognized how grateful you were those first mornings at home…

Awaken, kiss Cheryl, walk down the hall to our four-day old son’s room, kiss his head, drop to my knees and give thinks to God for the miracle of parenthood.

Our son’s first three days were in a hospital room.

Every morning it was the same.

Wouldn’t start prolific blogging for another nine years.

Maybe it was those 18-years of daily dropping to the knees, walks down the hall to kiss our son’s head – maybe that was the catalyst for prolific daily blogging.

Maybe the daily, never-missing-a-day routine was (is) simply a manifestation of personal growth in being present.

Present every day.

All day.


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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Please keep me humble

Cinderella castle
Moana in the shadow. Peter Pan down low on left. Alice, lower right.

Dear Heavenly Father, dear Universe, dear karma, please keep me humble.

We reap what we sow.

Amongst the countless mistakes i’ve made the past 60+ years there are some stunningly smart things i’ve long-term invested in:

  1. Positive attitude – growth mindset
  2. Physical health – wellbeing
  3. Peace and contentment – gratitude
  4. Career artistry – category of one
  5. Home organization – prioritizing priorities

The six-plus decade habit of focus and discipline and the magic of compound interest have led to a place that feels surreal.

Please keep me humble.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.


Small bird and hawk confrontation
To which the Mockingbird says to itself, “I’m gonna inch closer, unafraid. I will risk my life to save my Family.” This is a noble purpose that transcends being an obvious underdog.

A breakthrough for me is the profound understanding that you cannot change anyone.

Nearly everything has an exception.

The exception to “you cannot change anyone” is that you can change you.

Congrats on your slow and steady journey to continuously improve (level-up as they say).

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

All day? Every day?

coffee cup saying: all day every day.
Photo: a coffee cup design. A motto of mine. Karma.

All day?

Every day?



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