We Don’t Celebrate Today Like We Celebrate Christmas, For Good Reason

A rack of ‘party pants’ at a Golf store in Detroit’s airport…

I much prefer cut-off jeans, by the way. We don’t celebrate jeff noel’s birthday with the same joy as Jesus’ birthday, for good reason.

But if you want to share presents, email someone you love the link(s) so they can take a look at these Mid Life Celebration Blogs and decide for themselves to stay or move on.

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Further Still

Who will keep lookout and warn you so there are no surprises?

Perhaps compulsive, or spot on, it depends who’s judging. But one thing Boy Scouts learn early is, “Be Prepared”.

Further prayer is required when the heat is turned up. And very often, the heat is turned up so gradually, we fail to notice.

And then, without warning, people are asked to leave their organization. With no Plan B, they feel God has abandoned them.

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Put Up Or Shut Up

Sure, your life is busy. Duh, everyone’s life is busy. Your support encourages me to keep going. Hope the support you find here encourages you to keep going.

If you visit all five blogs, do you see the interconnectedness? If you don’t visit all 5, what would it hurt to try? If you tried it and it took too long, considered a second chance.

If you tried and you didn’t like it, sorry, and good luck.

March is put up or shut up month.

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