Habitual levels (reprise)

What the world needs now?

Habitual levels of:


  • goodness
  • hope
  • compassion
  • surrender
  • reflection
  • forgiveness.

Habitually high levels propel you forward.

Habitually low levels have proportionately lower results, and hold you back from your potential.

Habitual levels of acting on common sense and timeless wisdom help you in ways your previous self could only dream of.

You can, and should, become the change you wish to see in your world.

Super excited to watch you continue to bloom.

Go outside, cut a single wildflower and put it in water and place it where you spend most of your day. Then text me a picture of this. +1-407-538-4341

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For or against?

Science unequivocally explains many things.

Two decently constructed arguments against religion are here and here.

What no one talked about in those two videos is, “Who are you gonna call when someone, some town, some city, or some Country is going through an undeserved hell?”

Those crazy Christians.

Explain that.

i mean explain it with science.

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Social media

TEDx Boca Raton had an audience participation station in the reception lobby – a giant iPhone and everyone was encouraged to take a selfie. This is a photo of it happening in real time.

Social media as the claim was made in one of yesterday’s TEDx Talks:

Social media is making us less social.

TEDx Speaker

i disagree.

Social media has made us less personal when we are face to face.

yours truly

When we are alone, social media has made us exponentially more social.

yours truly (again)

Ultimately, like nutrition, exercise, and rest, it comes down to our motivation to be wise about our choices.

Who’s feeling compelled to argue that social media is killing our relationships? Many.

Who’s feeling compelled to argue that being inactive is killing our bodies? Only a handful (like yours truly).

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Public virtue, private vice

Same shoe, different colors. Same person, different behaviors. Photo: Yesterday at Millenia Mall after picking up Apple Watch.

Dr Jeykl and Mr Hyde, we all know the gist of the story.

By day one person, by night a monster.

In High School, one student’s dad was our Pastor and essentially, it’s hard to be the guy in the pulpit seven days a week.

Just because it’s challenging, doesn’t mean we should give up trying.

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They went to bed just before sunrise

Disney University hallway
Randomly chosen photo from media file because uploading photos continues to not work.

They went to bed (6:15am…a few minutes ago) just before sunrise.


Six High School seniors in our Family room.


Last night was Prom and they went together and crashed here (planned) for the night.

Would post some photos but it’s currently not possible, even in private mode.

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