Rejoice In A Positive Attitude And A Spirit Of Love

What a beautiful smile!

Is there any parent (or guardian) out there that doesn’t wish for the children in their lives to grow up with a bright, healthy, positive attitude? Guess who influences children’s thoughts and beliefs about which way to go in life? This also applies to the real meaning of Christmas. Boomers, this is the great responsibility of our lifetime – to be the change we wish to see in our world.

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Are Life’s Big Choices And Life’s Big Decisions Different From One Another?

Of course jeff noel opened each door to see

In order to simplify teaching my son life’s basics, Life’s Big Choices are what Midlife Celebration has categorized as the five big areas requiring great focus, energy and commitment.

Within each category are many decisions. Take our mental responsibility for example: Who will we hang out with? Will we curse, gossip, lie? What will we read? What will we watch? How will we train ourselves to react to life’s never-ending challenges? Will we find the good, or the bad, in every situation? Will we become positive or negative? And so on…

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Boomers, Life’s Big Choices Are Few, With Many Secondary Decisions

Advancing or retreating are two of life's choices

Our mental, physical, spiritual, financial (job) and administrative (paperwork of life) responsibilities comprise Life’s Big Choices.

Choices and decisions are similar yet different. We must choose where we will focus our commitment. We must decide many things that come from those choices.

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Isn’t It Remarkable How Many Doors In Life Are Left Unlocked?

More often than not, all we have to do is ask for a seat

How is your courage these days? Stronger than ever, about what it’s always been, or at an all time low? The beautiful thing about trying and failing is that we also succeed. Not every time, but often enough to see the pattern. You do see the correlation between risk and reward, right? The spirit is always willing, but the flesh (or the courage, in this example) is weak.

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