50 Days Later

Is Pentecost A Tool?
Is Pentecost A Tool?

You know who shapes the minds, bodies and spirits of children?

No, seriously, do you know?

You do!

It was 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection that the Holy Spirit descended upon them. Some say this is the day the Church was born. This morning, it’s my privilege to help several dozen youngsters understand this a little better than they did yesterday.

And 50 days from today, will it still be with them? What kind of pressure do you place on yourself to be a beacon for children?

Do You Mind?

Busy-ness Is Distracting
Busy-ness Is Distracting

Being on the road for five days this week was rewarding and taxing. Unless you do this frequently, it may be challenging to understand, but I hope you do, because it’s the challenging part I want to relate to you.

We are all faced with daily challenges. One person’s small challenge is another’s big challenge.

This will seem small in comparison to life-threatening issues, but herein lies a secret.

Being crazy-busy does not give us an excuse to be unfaithful.

So in picking up our son, late yesterday, as we got in the car, it hit me. I had not been on my knees in prayer yet. Each morning, it’s the same:

  • Wake up
  • Bathroom
  • Kiss Cheryl and Chapin as they sleep
  • Kneel at the foot of the bed
  • Say the three most important prayers

“Do you mind if I do it now”, I asked him. “No, I don’t mind”, he said.

Deep In Thought?

Always Deep In Thought
Always Deep In Thought

Attended the 7:00AM Mass two hours ago here in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Maybe 150 Parishioners, including three children.

Had trouble hearing the Lector.

Don’t particularly recall the message.

But you can be sure I was deep in thought.

Plus, I got to sit between Johnny and Margaret, my In-Laws.

Was deep in thought, wondering if that will be the last Mass we ever attend together.