Humble Prolific Bloggers

The Shepherd serves the flock, not the other way around…

With 3,600+ Mid Life Celebration, LLC blog posts – all original content, all from one person – The Blog Whisperer, jeff noel’s proof is obvious.

While Jesus was alive, do you know how many people thanked Him for all His hard work, and for giving His best away for free? The answer is sad.

It didn’t stop Him did it? Nor should it stop you or me from doing what we can to help make the world a little nicer. You in?

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Jesus’ Mid Life Celebration?

Did Jesus have a midlife crisis, or a midlife celebration? Back then, 33 was a decent age.

Remember, jeff noel defines midlife crisis as the moment when you finally realize you’ve arrived – where you worked your whole life to get to – and looking around, exclaim, “This isn’t what I wanted!

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Life Work Balance

With no mortgage or job to worry about, you can live where you want. On this 1984 Summer morning, we lived along a Wyoming Interstate…

What is Life-Work balance?

Some magical formula of bliss and a feeling of contentment?

A feeling like there are equal sacrifices for work obligations, and equal sacrifices for home commitments?

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