Plant What’s Most Important

Map out where you want to plant what seeds…

It’s so tempting to lose focus and pretend that others – school, Church, Temple, books, classes, relatives – will pass on life’s most important lessons.

I refuse to get sucked into this trap.

There are very specific, on-purpose habits, customs, activities, metaphors, stories that we can plant ourselves, to teach what’s most important.

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Far Too Frequent Emails?

Some of the Men Are in the Reflection
Some of the Men Are in the Reflection

The servant leader of a Men’s group I belong to, Ralph sent this email request:

I am asking for your prayers for one of my colleagues, Dan Mastrone. He’ll be 39 tomorrow (Dec. 2). Last October, Dan was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer. Doctors found 20 lesions on his brain, liver, bone, bone marrow, and lymphatic system.

You can imagine the devastating news that Dan and his family received.

Since then, Dan has undergone 10 rounds of whole brain radiation and numerous chemo treatments. Today, Dan appears to have kept the areas, except for his lung, from having further metastasis. However, some fluid that he had in his lung, now appears to be solidifying and this is now becoming a solid tumor.

We all know the power behind a faithful, praying community and that is why I turn to you, my dear brothers (and sisters).

Dan also has a website on Caring Bridge at and if you enter his name in one word – danmastrone it should take you to his sight. Let’s give him some encouragement and remind him and his family, that there is NOTHING that is impossible to our God – NOTHING!!!!

Thank you Ralph for giving all of us the opportunity to help Dan.

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Someone Has To Be Last

Do You Have Any Idea What I'm Talking About?
Do You Have Any Idea What I'm Talking About?

Someone has to be last. It’s a fact of life. Period.

My wife’s maiden name is Zubek. Guess where she stood when the teacher said, “Okay children, line up in alphabetical order“.

Same with the school bus, the US Postal service mail delivery, the food line at the homeless shelter. Someone has to be last.

Same with jeff – this blog is last in number of visitors. But God wastes nothing. Perhaps this humble, lowly, “last” blog will one day be the first blog.

In your busy day, you may find this hard to understand and you may not care. But within this one post (and this blog overall), there may be a nugget of insight that you’ve been searching for. It’s waiting for you, if you don’t mind being last.

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