Am I Making A Difference?

Detectives HAVE TO Ask The Right Questions!
Detectives HAVE TO Ask The Right Questions!

Classic questions. Worth their weight in gold.

Do you have questions you ask yourself, literally daily?

Obsessively I ask, “Am I making a difference?”

Having the privilege to work for a Fortune 100, it’s the company’s mantra to every employee, every day, all day.

And as a transformed leader, the new question is, “Am I doing work that matters?”

Does the thought of heading into your day today give you butterflies?

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Bless This Day?

Do you know your neighbors? I mean, do you have dinner with them and do social things with them?

As our cousin, Mike, and I finished our run yesterday, we stopped to talk with a neighbor who was walking her two dogs.

Her husband, recently retired, was at the August 28 Glenn Beck rally and I asked, “What did he think?”

She said he was very inspired. The message was about returning honor and God to our society.

We can only hope, eh? And maybe, just maybe, we start with the person in our mirror.

Where Is Your Sanctuary?

It It A Sanctuary To A Prisoner?
It It A Sanctuary To A Prisoner?

Where is your sanctuary?

Where do you go to think special thoughts, and do special things?

How often do you treat yourself?

Or, is it not a treat, but rather a daily obligation?

Where is your sanctuary?

For many, and I know this all too well, work is their sanctuary, their special place.

Like this Leopard and the workaholic, does their sanctuary become a prison?

I Have A Dream

“I have a dream, that one day our Nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed – We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”

Today in history, 47 years ago.

Why there was ever a time when anyone had to dream such a dream is almost incomprehensible.

What were people thinking when this was not part of everyday life?

Martin Luther King had the right idea. Dream impossible dreams. Great dreams. Dreams that require courageous leadership.