Our spirit is very important, no?

Magic Kingdom Haunted mansion sign
Another scary thought is how much spiritual exercise we give ourselves


Our spirit is very important, no?

And like a muscle, needs regular use to remain functional.

A passive spirit, like a passive muscle, does not strengthen.

To get stronger requires strength training – doing things that challenge and tear down our spirit.

Only then does our spirit strengthen.

We know this.

Do we find excuses for not going to the spiritual gym?

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Remember, Only You Can Define What Great Is

So the man standing is not Rick Warren or Billy Graham

It was a beautiful Sunday evening as jeff noel watched with a humble heart two months ago on Clearwater Beach, Florida. The man standing preached the Gospel to a congregation of 13. Compared to Billy Graham, maybe not so great. Compared to no one else on the entire beach preaching the Gospel… great! Ya with me?

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