The daily tests stop when we stop being open to learning

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What if it said, Relentlessly protecting your wisdom.


When she told her gay friend that her teen is gay, the gay man said, “But he’s young. How can he be sure?”

The wonderful thing about life is that we are constantly being presented with opportunities to become more wise or more close-minded.

Praying this never goes away. For any of us.

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This may be the most important mantra ever

Disney Executive Speakers


(Photo: Our actions are the truest reflection of our values.)

This may be the most important mantra ever. It may also be the most impossible:

Live your life so that if anyone ever said anything bad about you, no one would believe it.

PS. Impossible is nothing.

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Fun is in the spiritual freedom

Disney Institute Keynote Speakers


(photo: Photo pulled from Google search. Old Disney Institute collateral piece. Circa 2004. Fun.)

Praying for creative, and, authentic wisdom.

Disney Institute FaceBook update yesterday:

“Looking to transform your company cultureā€¦upskill your leadersā€¦or reimagine your customer experience? It CAN be done! Here’s how we can help (with a link to their website).”

This is Mid Life Celebration’s offering as well.

Kinda cool how alike Disney and MLC are.

Cut from the very same cloth.

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