Must We Maintain Good Physical Condition?

Olympic Games Sign at Hayward Field, U of Oregon 2009

We don’t need to become Olympic athletes, or even remotely close. Nor do we need to become priests. But what we must do, to me, is have as much commitment to our physical condition as we devote to our spiritual condition.

Unlike mental attitude, physical condition can not be masked with a smile.

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Mid Life Celebration Seeks Exaltation

For every one who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

No, seeking exaltation is not Mid Life Celebration’s goal.

Helping you find greater semblance of balance is MidLife Celebration’s goal.

Jesus wasn’t showing off when he went to Calvary. Hard work. Toil. Getting the word out. Things that must be done.

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How Do You Keep Moving?

Managing A Busy Life

The closer you get to God, the more the devil wants a piece of you. How do you balance all the demands on your time and energy, and pocket book?

How do you keep the first ministry at home? When it comes to personal leadership, there will always be hard choices to make.

Always! Practice being decisive….not being is the devil talking…

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So What’s Next?

Sitting Outside In Your Yard Will Work Too
Sitting Outside In Your Yard Will Work Too

As you continue to think about life-work balance, it’s natural to want to give up, or make excuses about how impossible it is for you to ever achieve “balance”.

Isn’t it?


If you’re asking for advice, the first thing you should consider doing is to find solitude. It may be as simple as sitting quietly in your (parked) car.

As the CEO of YOU, Inc, your story has another important element at the Next Blog