jeff noel Had An Epiphany From Yesterday’s Spiritual Blog Post

Give up and give safe passage through life?

Fellow Baby Boomers, after 50 or 60 years on our planet, is it possible that if we pursue goodness and righteousness long enough and raise or spiritual GPA high enough, will the devil stop wanting a piece of us, you know, give up?

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Dear Lord, Thank You For My Imperfections

No one lacks desire to retire, do they? What if we had similar desire to chisel away imperfections?

If we believe we should give thanks in everything, this demands we be thankful for all the things that make us imperfect. And we should also give thanks for our desire to eliminate as many imperfections as possible. We do have that desire, right?

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This Much Is Certain, We Are Perfectly Imperfect

We can just go to Church and be forgiven, right?

There is temptation to allow our imperfection to fester, than flourish. We can rationalize, especially in midlife, that if we are sinners, and sin is prevalent, then sin is alright. We can’t help ourselves, right? We are perfectly imperfect. This could be the devil’s trick to keep us from aiming high.

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Many Christians Are Misinterpreted Because Of Their Actions

Appearance Paves The Way For First Impressions and Stereotypes

Well, not only Christians, but everyone really. Look at how other countries view the United States. Look at how Americans view politicians. Look at how one act, can tarnish an opinion.

Are all Christians hypocrites because of one Christian’s sin? Are all Americans greedy because of one American’s sin? Are all politicians liars because of one politician’s sin?

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