Merry Christmas jeff

All Creation Sings
All Creation Sings

Merry Christmas from jeff

Fall, on your knees, oh hear the angel voices….

Merry Christmas to all of you.

Thank you for your kindness, prayers and support.

With joyful hope that 2010, and the realization that our Savior has arrived, gives us the Courage to do what needs to be done.

And also the Peace that comes from knowing that it’s not our will, but His.

The Joy of Dying

Is there Joy in dying? Is there Joy in death?

There certainly is Joy in birth and obviously Joy in being born. Right?

In the past 30 days, I’ve been exposed to nearly one dozen deaths. And these deaths have involved people close to me, or people close to people I’m close to. Ya with me?

Just yesterday, a good friend told me how peaceful the death of her family member was.

It started with tragic news, and there was little time to accept and deal with the impending reality.

And yet in the end, she spoke of it being Peaceful. Joyful.

Perhaps, with a little (or a lot) planning, death will be something we don’t fear, but something we view as simply part of life. Not to be feared, but to be embraced.

Maybe then we can look forward to it. Joyfully.

Autumnal Equinox

The Autumnal equinox comes and goes every September. It happened again yesterday. Most people never notice.

One might even ask, “Who cares”?

Realizing this while eating lunch at the Salt Lake International Airport, I took a moment to reflect on the changing of seasons and the passage of time.

That’s what these seasonal milestones do, they mark time in a bigger picture than seconds, minutes, days or weeks.

Seasons. Four every year. Big deal.

Several friends have recently found out they don’t have much time left. Life is seasonal too. We’re born. We live. We pass on.

Does anyone even notice?

“What would you do differently if you had ten years to live? Not weeks or months, but a decade”?

Start soon. The next Autumnal equinox is right around the corner…..