Bless This Day?

Do you know your neighbors? I mean, do you have dinner with them and do social things with them?

As our cousin, Mike, and I finished our run yesterday, we stopped to talk with a neighbor who was walking her two dogs.

Her husband, recently retired, was at the August 28 Glenn Beck rally and I asked, “What did he think?”

She said he was very inspired. The message was about returning honor and God to our society.

We can only hope, eh? And maybe, just maybe, we start with the person in our mirror.

Pray Without Ceasing

It Just Becomes Who You Are
It Just Becomes Who You Are

There are fewer sayings, when practiced, that will pay better dividends than the title of today’s blog post.

The catch is that we need to practice until it becomes such a habit that we don’t even know we are doing it, and we are actually doing it all day long.

All day. Every day!

What If?

A Beautiful Way To Start Your Day
A Beautiful Way To Start Your Day

What if you had started this morning on your knees?

What if, on your knees, you said a short prayer?

And what if you did this again tomorrow, and the next day.

I mean, what’s stopping you? It can’t be time.