Does our best career review sound divine?

Fake Disney characters in Times Square
Impostor Disney characters in Times Square on a Saturday night


A boss once wrote a review that went:

‘No one reaches higher, cares more, thinks deeper, or works harder.’

Most cherished accolade ever.

On bended knees hoping God sees it like that too.

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Insight: What seems self-indulgent is actually the daily challenge of stimulating others to think.


When Do You Find The Time?

We All Have An Undeniable "Spirit"
We All Have An Undeniable "Spirit"

Undeniably, we have a body. And a mind. And a job.

We also have a spirit.

Our bodies, our minds, our careers grow and thrive in direct proportion to our efforts to nurture and strengthen them.

Same with our spirit. I’m amazed at the sheer volume of distractions that medicate us into complacency. Where do you “worship”?

When do you find the time?

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