Confidence is for right now

habits wisdom
From Twitter yesterday. Yes, habits. In private, in public, in our thoughts, and in our deeds.


Confidence is for right now.


When you get ready before school.

When you arrive at school.

All through the day, class after class.

After school.

Into the evening.

Take it to bed with you.

Confidence is for right now.


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They look the same to some people

Disney Customer Service Speaker


A confident person can be perceived as arrogant by less confident people.

There’s not much a confident person can do.

If you are a confident person, you have to learn how to quiet the negative energy. It’s not easy, but it can be learned and managed.

Is it perfect? No.

Carry on anyway.

Here’s the good news…

Confidence, when paired with humility, often seems like a bright light.

A refreshing beacon.

Confidence, when it’s genuine, is inspiring.

Jesus was an alpha dog, but he handled himself in such a way, most would never consider it.

But think about it.

Jesus was on a clear, concise, and compelling mission.

Nothing was going to get in his way.

Not even the devil.


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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

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No one likes living with inaccurate labels

Grinnell Glacier Trail
What does each see in the other?


When you walk in humility and confidence, you dance with two partners who look like opposites.

The partners are confidence and arrogance.

This is challenging.




People will talk behind your back about how glaringly opposite your partners are.

Arrogance and confidence.

And other people will respect and honor the habits and results you’ve carved out of your intentional life.

To eat, rest, and move with great consistency is glorious.

The confidence you gain can be misread.

Does anyone like living with inaccurate labels?

Be intentional anyway.


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Dear Heavenly Father, please reign down humility

25+ year friends
Met Brian at My French Cafe near Disney University yesterday. He said a wonderful prayer for me, not knowing the burdens nor the triumphs.


Dear Heavenly Father, please reign down humility. i am astounded by Your generous blessings in the past three weeks. It is almost more than i can bear.

Dear readers, this does not mean i live in the absence of heavy, worrisome burdens. i do.

And i’d love an abundance of humility to graciously accept them both.

And to be abundantly thankful for both.

PS. Brian, in the photo, and i met 30 years ago when our dogs met for the first time in our sprawling neighborhood. The odds of us ever meeting were slim to none. Our Yellow Labs ended up contributing two litters to society.





On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s career health website, click here.



National English Honor Society pins
One pin for each inductee.



National English Honors Society.

The induction for new members was last night.

Reminded our Son at bedtime that the honor came to him because his passion for writing, and for writing well, was easily recognized by the people who know English.

Developing our spirit means developing our self confidence.

Jesus taught His disciples to not worry about what they would say because the words would be provided to them at their time of need. This is the epitome of confidence.




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.