It was easier than i thought

Apple Store Mall at Millenia
Yesterday at Mall at Millenia for a business meeting.


It was easier than i thought. And it was not the reason for the meeting. Had a business meeting yesterday which included an opportunity to personally share that i have disconnected with 360 people on personal Facebook (as opposed to Facebook Pages). Normally, the stereotypical first reaction when someone “unfriends us” is anger, hurt, and confusion. This did not happen.




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.

Facebook spirit

iPhone 6s passcode screen
Try again, to improve, or just settle for doing what the Herd is doing?


Facebook spirit, aka our emotional attachment to Facebook.

Is our self-worth tied to likes, comments, number of “friends”?

Is our self worth tied to the joy, excitement, accomplishment, and love demonstrated in our posts?

Is our self worth tied to the diversity of our life – the well-rounded front we share?

Is our self worth an illusion because we (generally, and of course there are exceptions) post only our life’s “highlight” reel?




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.

Facebook midlife crisis

Self doubt encouragement
Social Media, particularly Facebook, can have insidiously negative side effects.


Facebook midlife crisis.

What is the point of Facebook?


  • Brag?
  • Complain?
  • Compare?
  • Sell?
  • Laugh?
  • Be somebody?
  • Prove something?

How many friends are too many, too few, or just right?

When you have hundreds, is it ok to secretly mute their notifications? If one of your friends mutes you on their account, your posts are never seen by your friend.

How much time spent trying to keep up is too much, not enough, or just right?

If you stopped posting updates, would anyone notice? Would anyone care?

Why do we hit the ‘Like’ button so often?

Why don’t we hit the ‘Like’ button more often?

Why? What? How? When?

How do i stop (habitually) reaching for my phone every spare moment to see if there are more updates – that little red circle with a number that insidiously makes me feel important (or lonely).




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.

Facebook revelation and sacrifice

Good Podcasting microphone
Recommended podcasting microphone arrived two days ago – no stranger to public social media.


Facebook revelation and a personal sacrifice yesterday which was prompted by my Moms’ birthdays. Both my maternal Mom and my step Mom had birthdays last week.

Besides sending flowers, i decided to begin changing my habit of FB privacy and post more Family photos, more often.

Facebook is really weird for me personally. i’ll spare you the details for now.

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