One of them has the potential to generate substantial revenue

Disneyland Jungle Cruise sign
Yes, watch the gap between typical and authentic.


The tale of two business consultants…

The client can’t comprehend someone who is so unselfish, authentic and yet still direct and honest.

It’s rare because profit drives most people’s motives.

Praying the client will have the patience to trust a crazy man’s process.

One business consultant has the potential to generate substantial revenue.

Which consultant will it be?

The one who is in control of the first move and wants to do it in an unorthodox manner – a manner in which all business should be conducted.

The one who sees profit as the reward, not the goal.

The long way is the short cut.

Next Blog

Is Today The Day?

Is today the day our eyes will be opened?

Do you look around at the path you’re on? I mean every day. Day in and day out. I try really hard to.

How can we not? Unless we have no idea what our goals are.

What are your big goals?

  • Your big mental-health goals?
  • Your big physical-health goals?
  • Your big spiritual-health goals?
  • Your big financial-health goals?

Too much to think about, right?

Overwhelming, right?

It will be if we’re not careful. And that’s what motivates me.