Dropped The Ball?

Same Goes For Forgiveness
Same Goes For Forgiveness

Don’t we hate it when someone makes a mistake?

Guess what, others feel the same way when it happens in reverse.

Take traffic for example. We say things and do hand gestures in our car when someone cuts us off, pulls in front of us or stops suddenly, etc.

And yet we act like we never commit the same offense.

Get a grip and extend forgiveness. And, I’m sorry I didn’t show up at Church yesterday to fulfill my Lector responsibilities. I forgot and and took the day off by mistake.

Forgiveness Defined

Can We Forgive Unconditionally?
Can We Forgive Unconditionally?

Revenge in not the answer, but it is often our first emotional response to tragedy and grief.

This article will challenge us to rethink where we stand. It will also provide helpful insight for the next time we face temptation to retaliate. And we most certainly will.

I’ll forgive you if you don’t read it. I won’t want to, but I will.

Rose Garden?

In 1973, I remember hearing a Lynn Anderson song with the lyrics, “I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.”

And while writing five blogs a day, I never want to promise you any thing that can’t be delivered to you.

The Tiger Woods saga was noteworthy at jeff noel.org because it challenged all of us to decide one way or another. (And even if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice)

A jeffnoel.org reader emailed a valuable insight – none of us are in a position to forgive Tiger Woods. God and Tiger must handle this.

However, a point you may want to consider – the one that came immediately to mind – as you live your daily life, is this:

God will not withhold forgiveness to anyone who asks to be forgiven.

And if this is so, who is it in our lives that needs to be forgiven, but we have never offered them hope and encouragement?