God Whispered To Me

He Whispered In My Ear
He Whispered In My Ear

Blogging, if you’ve ever thought about doing it, really challenges you to discover, deep down inside, what you believe in.

And when you post it on the Internet, the whole world sees it.

It really forces you to commit to your beliefs. And even better, it challenges you to rise to the behavior you preach about.

It’s transformed my life.

Now, God has whispered to me that others may also find this transformational tool helpful. You can do it. 🙂

But do you want to?

Guilty Feeling

Wide Open Spaces
Wide Open Spaces

What makes humans feel guilt?

What makes you feel guilty?

Know what makes me feel guilty?


This week, my son and I have taken several sunset walks. We end up in our back yard. A really big back yard. The sun has set, and now it’s twilight.

“Son, look around. Do you see how much space is here in this yard, from one side to the other?”

He says, “Yes.”

“I’m not saying that other sized yards are better or worse. I’m just saying that Mommy and Daddy worked really, really hard to make this yard possible.”

For something like seven years, Cheryl and I spent, what seemed like a majority of our weekends looking for a big yard near Walt Disney World.

The first 15 years in Central Florida, I worked every weekend, and had either a Saturday or a Sunday off, but never both.

And on that lone weekend day off, we combed the area north of Disney, south of Disney, east of Disney, west of Disney.

The result? Nothing. Year after year. Nothing.

Until one day….

Funeral For A Friend

Peace Be With You Kevin
Peace Be With You Kevin

Ever get ahead of schedule on a project? Hardly ever right? Well, I can’t remember the last time it’s happened to me, except for right now.

It’s December 24, 2009, Christmas Eve as I write this, and we are getting ready for 5:00PM Mass, the Children’s Mass.

A few hours ago, my son and I attended a funeral for a friend.

Kevin and I were colleagues 14 years ago. His Family and my Family attend the same Church. his son is even younger than mine.

Kevin fought brain cancer, and had won, for the past eight years or so, maybe longer.

My Family and I were in Church when we heard the sad news this past Sunday.

Kevin went to Heaven. His funeral was beautiful. His life was beautiful.

Ever know someone, not well enough to be close friends, but well enough to call friend?

jeff noel Spirit Filled New Year

Well Fed?
Well Fed?

“Happy New Year” !

Have you ever worked on an important project and found yourself looking for creative ways to do things better and faster?

The Church looks for creative ways to do things better and faster. Seems the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Are you feeding your spirit? Feeding the spirit of others?

All we can do as humans is to attempt to put others first, attempt to serve.

And constantly look for better and faster ways to do it.