Christmas paradox revealed as i woke up this morning

Church epiphany
About a year ago i snapped this with an iPhone. Had an epiphany an hour ago.

Christmas paradox revealed as i woke up this morning.

Do i really believe in the spirit of gift giving as a part of a Christian belief system or am i a zombie on the treadmill of life, going through the motions?

Going through the motions is easy because retailers for many decades have crafted American habits and rituals – buy, buy, buy.

If we don’t offer gifts to people we love, that means we don’t care as much as everyone thinks we should care.


So as i awoke an hour ago, i couldn’t help but wonder, “How many times do you attend Church a year?”

Does your commitment to be physically present within a Christian community (just an hour a week) match and support your thinking for why you should give and recieve gifts?

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What you do thunders so loudly

clip bar history
Clif bar history…almost everything good (or bad) starts from a small and humble seed.


You are what you do, not what you say you’re gonna do.

What you do thunders so loudly, i can’t hear what you say.

Dislike your job (your boss, lack of opportunity, repetitiveness, hours, following orders, etc) and dream of being your own boss?

Guess how we can tell if you mean it.


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Is it ok to break the law when it suites you?

Lent reading
Yesterday morning (3rd Sunday of Lent) Father John (standing in background) said the bottom left is his favorite reading of all time.


Notes on church donation envelope
Had an idea and wrote it on our weekly donation envelope. .think .differently about leadership, engagement, service, connection, improvement.


Is it ok to break the law when it suits you?


Right, it sounds like an obscure question, until it isn’t.

Do you drive the speed limit all the time?

Check me if i’m wrong, but speed limits are backed by scientific research to determine the safest speed on a particular stretch of road.

Safest meaning it saves lives and minimizes physical damage.

Yet i don’t know a single person who always drives the speed limit.

So i stopped exceeding the speed limit years ago.

i couldn’t stand my hypocrisy.

And, driving the speed limit reduces stress in unimaginable ways.


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Everyone should be perfect except you because…



Everyone should be perfect except you because…

Most of us believe our Country shouldn’t do anything that would be bad for our Country.

No brainer.

Common sense.

In fact, doing something bad for our Country goes against the core of who you are.

No argument there.

And yet, if you asked yourself the same question, “Is this choice I’m about to make bad for me?”, it’s astonishing how your karma, conviction, and commitment to doing what’s good and right has no less meaning.

Literally, no meaning.

So trivial in fact, you rationalize and do the bad things.

You know the list.

Why is this so?

Dude, be careful. you’re poisoning your life.


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The fellowship of sinners changes everything we see

Church epiphany
Yesterday, January 7, 2018.


Think Christians are hypocritical?

No doubt, for sure, we are.

Think Christians should get a clue?

Absolutely. Totally agree.


So, are you staying away from a “Church community” because of realities like the two above?

What if.

What if you went into it (Church Community commitment) thinking that organized religion is nothing more than…drum roll…..

The fellowship of sinners.

Seeing Christians as the hypocritical sinners they (we) are changes everything we see.

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