Inconvenience is a blessing

punctured tire
Last night pulling into our subdivision we ran over a wire that embedded into the back tire.


Inconvenience is a blessing. Will have to address the punctured tire today. This will require several unanticipated hours of distraction.

The blessing is it wasn’t something:

  • Worse
  • Much worse
  • Catastrophic

Other blessings include:

  • A flexible work schedule
  • A creative mind
  • A backup car to use

The list is endless.




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s career health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


How Long Has It Been Since You’ve….

How long has it been since you’ve seen each other?, I asked, as they finished hugging in front of me, and they turned to leave. I was sitting at the gate, waiting, with my laptop fired up – but my mind running on fumes.

“Nine months”!, the soldier said, smiling.

I turned to the businessman sitting next to me and said, “I guess I’ll be okay if I don’t get home until tomorrow”.

We are sitting at the Minneapolis airport and have connecting flights. It’s looking like we will not depart on time. He has 35 minutes to connect in Atlanta. I have 55. We talked briefly about maybe not making it home until tomorrow.

As we talked about the impending delay, we both felt a bit of potential, and real, inconvenience.

Until we saw them.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂