Why did the Sandy Hook tragedy happen a few days ago? (part 2)

Sarasota Florida sunset
the sun sets everyday and we never question why, nor worry about tomorrow’s promise


Why did the Sandy Hook tragedy happen a few days ago? (part 2)

Truth be told, it’s a Monday morning as I write this. Lots to do before a 20-day vacation that starts in three days.

The first thought this morning revolves around yesterday’s last two bullet points.

Somewhere in the midst of Sandy Hook’s horror, is our own horror nerve ending being exposed.

There are things in our life we need to stop. These things are a tragedy. And we’ll live with regret if we don’t change…

to be continued…

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This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this spiritual health blog to the money (career) blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


Brilliant Insight Is Baseline Common Sense

Why does this bear show up everywhere I go?

This experiment with presenting the insight instead of allowing you to figure it out allows me to feel frightened and hopeful. Frightened the insight may not stick. Hopeful it may become even more valuable.

Timeless insight: On Earth, paradox, like oxygen, is plentiful.

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Timeless insight is something we’ve instinctively understood since birth

timeless insight
odds are this is a very safe place or a questionably safe place?
timeless insights
if something doesn’t look, feel, smell, sound, or taste safe, odds are it isn’t

Been a professional speaker for 13 years, which was neither a dream nor a life goal. It was fate. A mountain of faith too. And from those humble beginnings in 1999, was taught to facilitate insights, not regurgitate them.

Timeless insight: Sometimes a complete career change changes everything. Bonus insight: Never quit experimenting with simple ways to get better.

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Stumbled Upon Something That Felt Good Yesterday

Blindingly obvious?

Interesting how the Bible and scripture confounds many people. It’s not a step-by-step, how-to manual. Yet, people want an easy to follow guide to make their lives easy.

Insight: Thinking, interpreting, and applying wisdom is the full time job of Pastors, teachers, parents and leaders (I stumbled upon this blinding flash of the obvious yesterday).

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Someone Has To Be Last

Do You Have Any Idea What I'm Talking About?
Do You Have Any Idea What I'm Talking About?

Someone has to be last. It’s a fact of life. Period.

My wife’s maiden name is Zubek. Guess where she stood when the teacher said, “Okay children, line up in alphabetical order“.

Same with the school bus, the US Postal service mail delivery, the food line at the homeless shelter. Someone has to be last.

Same with jeff noel.org – this blog is last in number of visitors. But God wastes nothing. Perhaps this humble, lowly, “last” blog will one day be the first blog.

In your busy day, you may find this hard to understand and you may not care. But within this one post (and this blog overall), there may be a nugget of insight that you’ve been searching for. It’s waiting for you, if you don’t mind being last.

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