This story was found on Facebook and might help us make it through our day

Seattle's Space Needle from the ground
Seattle’s Space Needle (biz trip)


atop Seattle's Space Needle
atop Seattle’s Space Needle


What should we call these moments when they happen to us?

Those little moments when we do something that sort of embarrasses us, and we are so tempted to stop…

But we don’t.

And when we’re done, we are somehow gifted with the fact that we may have just inspired someone in that moment of not stopping.

Monday, I saw a father hug his 12-year old son in the school parking lot as the Head of School walked to her car.

You could tell there was a moment when the dad thought, “Maybe my son is too tall and too old to be hugging in the school parking lot.”

And when it was done, a thought occurred to the dad. Maybe the Principal was also trying to stop doing something, like staring and feeling completely heart-warmed and over-joyed.


This is a true story. I was there. So was my son.

And tempted again to stop… right here, right now (plowing through it… )

The after-school hug has been a daily tradition for ten years.


Be well and remain amazed.

Do your thing that brings you joy. Do it for yourself and those you care about.

And maybe, just maybe, it may be exactly what someone else needs desperately to see or hear, exactly when they need it.

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