Go, experiment

Catholic Mass
Yesterday morning at 8:45am Mass.


Cheryl just returned from a two week Disneyland business trip. Most teenagers wouldn’t miss Mass if they didn’t go.

Saturday night i gave them the option to join me yesterday. Both declined.

Going solo, my seat choice was very different.

i love experimenting.

How many (simple) ways are there to increase our Faith?





On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s career health website, click here.


Please forgive our absence

iPhone calculator screen shot
Habits become so powerful…yesterday was the 2,351st consecutive day of writing five daily blogs.


Please forgive our absence from Sunday Mass. We haven’t been to Mass in eight Sundays.

The more times you miss something, the easier it is to miss it again.

Not only for weekly Mass, but anything.

It’s easy to take for granted how powerful this concept is, until it wakes you up to how weak you’ve become.

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What separates successful people is a very simple habit

Super Bowl 48 staff training at Madison Square Garden Theater
Super Bowl 48 staff training at Madison Square Garden Theater.


Backstage for Super Bowl 48
Backstage for Super Bowl 48 Game Days staff training.


Successful people have learned to be intentional where the majority aren’t.

It’s easier to stay home and relax, or tinker with homeowner chores, than make the two-hour commitment to attend 8:45am Mass on Sundays.

One parent is in a Pennsylvania Senior Nursing Home facility, celebrating her Dad’s 89th birthday today and her Mom’s 92nd in two more days.

They’ll watch Super Bowl 49 tonight.

Time to invest three hours watching TV, but not go to Church?

Intentionality is about teaching children, by example, that balance requires thought and planning and goals.

Next Blog

What’s our obligation to live up to our reputation?

Best steak you'll ever eat in Miamni
One of the best steaks any of us have ever eaten – it lived up to it’s reputation (don’t we all)


Just last night, overheard a 60-year old at a nearby restaurant table talking about going to Mass everyday, and as if those that don’t, aren’t real believers.

Interest duly peaked. Ears listening in and out of his conversation, and the one at our table.

As he had a few more drinks, he began talking like a pirate, cursing, bad mouthing – yet having a glorious time.

No judging, yet surely taking notice and contemplating it all.

Next Blog


Ash Wednesday And Lent

The Road To Easter
The Road To Easter

Ash Wednesday and Lent.

Happens year after year around this time.

How many of us forgot?

How many of us didn’t forget, but were simply “going through the motions”?

Easter is the most important day in the life of a Christian.

Christmas is critical, but loses all meaning without Easter.

You have thought of that, right?