Dear Readers, Prayer Community

Last night, watching the jets roll into Tampa International airport. This photo brought back painful memories of a September morning…

Where two or more are gathered in His name…

Couple days ago, a friend rushed out of state to visit his son, in a hospital Intensive Care Unit. Motorcycle accident.

Monday, visited our son’s Pediatric Gastroenterologist…a Mother with a one-month old.

Also Monday on Z88.3 (The Z) Z Radio here in Orlando, Tyler’s (morning DJ) brother-in-law swerved to avoid a deer, crashed into a school bus.

In the blink of an eye. Plan for the future, live for today.

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Why All These Problems, God?

Five-Year Olds Shouldn't Have A Gastroenterologist
Four-Year Olds Shouldn't Need A Gastroenterologist

It’s human nature, unfortunately, that people are always asking why is this bad thing happening, or why is that bad thing happening.

Why are so many people missing the boat, when they have the power to change their lives.

What if they started asking, “Why do I have so many blessings in my life?”

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