Happy birthday to the Church

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Memorial Day weekend spent with Family from Allentown and Jacksonville
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I didn't have to get them into Epcot, I got to

Yesterday, May 27, 2012, was the Church’s birthday. By glorious chance I was the second of two Lectors. Also by chance, the first Lector didn’t show which meant I had to do both readings.

There was a time when a no-show led to frustration. Not any more. It’s almost a selfish feeling… to be able to get to proclaim both readings.

Next Blog

Insight: Having to and getting to are two amazingly different thought patterns.

50 Days Later

Is Pentecost A Tool?
Is Pentecost A Tool?

You know who shapes the minds, bodies and spirits of children?

No, seriously, do you know?

You do!

It was 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection that the Holy Spirit descended upon them. Some say this is the day the Church was born. This morning, it’s my privilege to help several dozen youngsters understand this a little better than they did yesterday.

And 50 days from today, will it still be with them? What kind of pressure do you place on yourself to be a beacon for children?