So much of life is consumed with just going through the motions

Mid Life Celebration book in Las Vegas
Wake up call in a short, easy to read book


So much of life is consumed with just going through the motions.

And nearly everyday we promise ourselves this is gonna change.

Do not fear going slowly.

Fear not going at all.

Any progress is progress.

It adds up.

And it may take years. Decades even.

We never see the tree grow, but it does.

Indeed it does.

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Everyday is Father’s Day, no?

Mother and Son on Disney Dream Cruise Ship
Your Grandson has grown about a foot in the past two years


Hey Dad, assuming there’s a cool version of FB where you are.

Sorry we didn’t get to spend more time together.

Guess I thought you’d live forever.

Never in a million years saw Alzheimer’s (the early onset, rapid-progression kind) coming.

Looking back, guess I used career ambition to hide the pain and denial.

My bad.

I know you forgive me and I’m at peace with that.

And hey, your Grandson (the one you never got to meet, although the trip was just two months away), he’s taller than me now – yeah, he’s only 12.

And one more thing. Thought it was amazing that you were 50 before you bought your first car brand new.

At 54, I’m still waiting. Guess I’m an over achiever like that.

I’ll see you when I see you.

PS. Happy Father’s Day Dad.

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I’ll drink to “You’re gonna miss this”

Last night on the radio driving home from school, back to back songs that provided a HUGE pause-and-reflect moment…

All those things we complain about, and want to hurry to leave behind… we’re gonna miss them..



All you gotta do is put a drink in my hand… used to could…



One thing I will not miss? Having a drink in my hand (all the time).

Sure, I’ve missed it. My last drink was December 30, 2001. New Years Eve 2001 was dry, dry, dry.

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