Be a light in the darkness

Disney leadership author and speaker
Yesterday, Day 12, the writing continued at the Yacht & Beach Convention Center.


Be a light in the darkness.

Well, it’s not a requirement, but think about the people who’ve been a light for you.

Pay it forward.

You’ll sleep better.


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Praying for everyone struggling with big, unexpected challenges

Warren Buffett quotes
Timely thoughts from someone who seems to have it all (does he?)


Praying for everyone struggling with big, unexpected challenges.

That pretty much covers all of us, no?

Hang in there.

Find a millions ways to remember that our response will either be an example or a warning for the younger folks following in our footsteps.

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Saving other’s lives is a noble ambition and for some a full time occupation

West Orange County Florida fire station
Saving other’s lives is a noble ambition and for some a full time occupation


West Orange County Florida fire station
Almost sunrise early October, 2013 near Walt Disney World’s north side


A disciple is called to preach the Gospel of the Lord, and if it becomes necessary, to use words.

Our body is a gift from our Heavenly Creator. To treat it with anything less than the deepest gratitude is to not preach the Gospel.

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So ironic how we have a glorious body for an active lifestyle

iPhone timer for 40 minute run
Truth: use it or lose it. This is not a secret to anyone.


So ironic how we have a glorious body for an active lifestyle yet somehow you would never know.

Ran 40 minutes yesterday (longest post surgery) and 30 minutes this morning.

Not bragging. You know what it really is? Leadership books (including the Bible, the Koran) call it practicing what you preach.

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