Should a narcissist outsource?

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Self-love is critical. And like everything else, has potential to be misused.


Self-love is, mostly, a socially unacceptable notion.

Arrogant. Narcissistic. Selfish.


Is it really?

What about being comfortable in our own skin.


Self aware.

Maybe a narcissist should outsource their self love to mitigate their (potentially) bad reputation?

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Easy way to feel amazing grateful and overwhelmingly blessed?

Mid Life Celebration book reviews
Can too much of a good thing leave us feeling insecure?


Feeling in advance the feeling that we want to feel is one of the most generous and underused blessings ever.

Want to feel amazing grateful and overwhelmingly blessed?

Just do it.

Once we start remembering to feel this way, we start feeling this way all the time, without having to remember.

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