Dear Son, I Hope You Never Have To Look Farther Than Across The Table

Life’s pace is fast. It’s distractions and temptations endless. Only in slowing down does the obvious become clearer. When we are still, we (must) face the truth.

The truth is, we must believe in something. And I believe that our son shouldn’t have to look farther than across the dinner table to find the face of Jesus. That would be his greatest birthday present ever.

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Sometimes, The Obvious Is Hard To See Because Of The Unintentional Distance We Create

We know what we should do. But it’s the doing it part that slows us down. The spirit is willing, the flesh weak. We medicate and distract ourselves with busy schedules, projects, ambitions.

Met a retired UK businessman last month at the beach. He said about retirement, “I don’t know how I ever had time for work”, saying he’s so busy with other things, like attending his son’s (14) sports.

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