Struggling Catechist

Wednesday. Children’s Liturgy of the Word.

Our son (9) attends Catechism, and Miss Jenny (may or may not be her real name), leads this small (12) group of future spiritual leaders, fututre parents, and possibly, future Catechists.

And then there’s me, a struggling Catechist.

The past two years I’ve been invited to assist on Wednesday nights. This was a natural and desirable opportunity, since I drive our son to attend.

Otherwise, I’d just sit in the car, doing work on a laptop, which is what I did three years ago when this started.

But this year, something is different. Mostly my schedule. It’s the busiest I can ever remember being. Ever.

In fact, the first month, September, was the busiest travel month all year. I missed every single session. October was not much different.

I feel like dropping out. If I can’t give it my all, my full attention, I feel guilty.

What would you do?